Own Your SWAG™ with
Mimi Brown, CSP
Build an unstoppable culture where people show up as their full selves.
Leadership Development | Sales Training
WATCH MIMI IN ACTIONYa’ll, it’s about to get real!
When you see someone who owns their swag, you can tell they know what they bring to the table.
We want leaders who know themselves and guide their teams with confidence.
We want sales teams who know how to create trust and confidence in the minds of our customers.
We want a diverse culture of team members who know they can
ROCK WHAT THEY GOT and be their full selves at work.
It’s not easy to create this kind of culture, but it’s worth it!
Mimi specializes in helping organizations build an unstoppable culture in two areas:
Training leaders who own who they are and unapologetically show up as their full selves.
Then, creating an environment where their team members can do the same.
Successful sales organizations have leaders that are:
People Focused
Process Driven
Performance Minded
Meet Mimi
Early in Mimi’s career, she was set for a promotion. As she stepped into her new leadership role, her director asked only one thing of her:
“In your leadership role, can you tone it down?”
This request rocked Mimi’s world. At first, she thought he might be right–that she would make a better leader if she weren’t as energetic and bold.
Then, she checked in with herself and found it was just the opposite. She leaned in more to who she was.

She stepped into new roles and began leading teams to record numbers.
In the process, she scaled sales teams, increased performance by 50%, grew DEI index scores, all the while leaning more into her authentic self.
Today, Mimi works with leaders, sales leaders, and team members to build unstoppable cultures that are bold, inclusive, and “own their swag!”
Praise for Mimi Brown, CSP
“My biggest “aha” was when I realized that we should have been given you way more time because you were such a great presenter. I could listen to you for hours. You had so much information that I wanted others to hear. And you were the most polished and prepared presenter at the entire conference.
Would I recommend your training to others? In a heartbeat! You rocked it, Mimi! Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts & talents!”
— Marcia Cubitt, President, Essential Bodywear —

Mimi in the Media
Let’s Talk
Audiences expect new ideas to boost their lives and careers. They want the program to meet their needs. Of course, Mimi brings all that, but then she takes it further. She has studied what keeps people engaged—it’s all about creating an experience. The magic formula for this experience is Entertainment + Education = Edutainment!
Mimi’s programs challenge you. They make you think, but they make you laugh all at the same time. Mimi takes that approach because she knows when you’re laughing, you’re learning.

How Mimi Helps You Reach Your Goals
Keynote Talks & Breakouts
Empower your organization with messages from Mimi that inspire, motivate, and stimulate your team to action. Keynotes such as The S.W.A.G. Factor: Become Unforgettable, Unstoppable, Unshakeable & Undeniable help you find out what’s missing and how to use what you’ve got to get it.
Train Your Team
Mimi captures your audience with sparkling, interactive programs that affect real change. She addresses issues in leadership, communication, and sales, plus diversity, equity, and inclusion. These include special programs within her area of expertise:
- StrengthFinder training. On-point stories, games, activities, and group interaction bring skills to do your best every day.
- DiSC training explores the four main personality types and how they can enhance your business relationships.
- Customized corporate training for your organization. If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same results. Mimi brings a fresh perspective to the issues you face.
Dive deep into ways to accomplish your personal and professional goals with ease. Find out how when you contact Mimi for information about group and individual coaching packages.